With the increasing demand to become more healthy and active people are turning to all sorts of ways to get fit. Living in such an appearance based society there is more and more pressure to look good and lose weight. With the increase of weight loss remedies people have resorted to taking medication instead of hitting the treadmill. Not only is it medication but many are turning to surgery as well. In the recent years gastric bypass has become very popular.
Gastric surgery is basically the process of decreasing the size of the stomach. This causes the individual to eat less and therefore weight is lost. This method is traditionally used for morbidly obese individuals who posses medical conditions which cause obesity, but now overweight individuals are taking advantage of this technology as well. These overweight individuals could simply have gone through proper dieting and exercise but rather they turn to the easier method, which is surgery. People who are overweight do not need gastric surgery because their weight does not effect their short term health, but rather their long term health. Morbidly obese individuals have very high risks of heart attacks, strokes, and aneurysms therefore immediate surgery is needed.
Gastric surgery does carry its own risks and shouldn't be used just because someone is too lazy to hit the gym. This procedure is still very invasive and may have side effects. Though infections and complications are not common this surgery should still only be used as a final resort to lose weight. Instead everyone could just eat healthier instead of having doctors develop new treatments to weight.
Little more information on Gastric surgery
Gastric bypass is considered quite a new technology, even though research for it started in the late 1990s. It was only in the 2000s that it started to gain momentum in popularity when global obesity became a problem. Scientists also knew that there had to be a more effective ways of controlling obesity because medication didn't always work. Gastric bypass is a very simple procedure and usually has very minimal side effects on the individual. There are several ways of performing gastric surgery but the most common is decreasing the size of the stomach and the food is routed to the small intestine. The food avoids most of the stomach because if food stores in the high capacity stomach then the individual will just consume more food. This in turn keeps the appetite of the individual within what is needed and thus over eating is avoided. Other methods of gastric surgery include the lap banding. Which is tying a band around the stomach to reduce its size. This method is much less invasive and the effects are reversible. The lap band can easily be reduced or increased in size. Though it sounds less invasive the effects are not as effective as gastric bypass.
With more and more societal needs to look thin scientists are always coming up with the next easiest thing to lose weight. This is due to the fact that humans are not willing to work for their results and would rather turn to less intensive methods of weight loss.